
drown out是什么意思翻译_drown out的音标怎么读

drown out

na. (洪水)把(人)赶跑;把(另一声音)压倒[淹没,盖住]

[网络] 压过;盖过;常比喻声音被盖过

drown out

na. (洪水)把(人)赶跑;把(另一声音)压倒[淹没,盖住]

[网络] 压过;盖过;常比喻声音被盖过

drown outdrown out
1.翻译:(声音)淹没(另一声音)The loud cheers drown out his shouts.欢呼声盖过了他的喊叫声。Both the speaker and his speech were drowned out by the disapproval of the crowd.演讲者的话被人群中发出的反对声所淹没。
2.翻译:(洪水)使(人们)无家可归Many families were drowned out when the river burst its banks.河堤决口后, 很多家庭流离失所, 无家可归。

drown out
1.翻译:[常用被动语态]因淹水而迫使…无家可归,(洪水)把…赶出家门:Many families were drowned out by the recent flood.许多家人被最近这次洪水搞得无家可归。
2.翻译:(声音等)淹没,压过,盖没(另一声音):The actress's last few words were drowned out by applause.女演员最后的几句话被掌声淹没了。The band drowned out their conversation.乐队演奏的音乐淹没了他们的谈话声。

见:drown: drown out